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[2] Eerdun Buhe*, G. Bluman. Symmetry reductions, exact solutions and conservation laws of the generalized Zakharov equations, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2015, Vol.56(10): 101501(SCI). (* “FEATURED ARTICLE”)
[3] Eerdunbuhe, Eerdunqiqige, Huhebala, Wang Jingyu, Temuerchaolu. Variational iteration method with He's polynomials for MHD Falkner-Skan flow over permeable wall based on Lie symmetry method,International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2014, Vol. 24(6): 1348-1362 (SCI).
[4] Eerdunbuhe, Temuerchaolu. Approximate solution of the magneto -hydrodynamic flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet,Chinese Physics B、2012,Vol.21 (3): 035201 (SCI).
[5] Eerdun Buhe, K. Fakhar, Gangwei Wang, Temuer Chaolu. Double reduction of the generalized Zakharov equations via conservation laws,Romanian Reports in Physics, 2015, Vol.67(2): 329-339 (SCI).
[6] Eerdun Buhe, Gangwei Wang, Xiu Bai. Symmetry analysis and conservation laws of the quantum Zakharov equations for plasma, Romanian Journal of Physics, 2015, Vol.60(9-10),1361-1373 (SCI).
[7]Eerdunbuhe, Temuerchaolu: Approximate Solitary Wave Solutions For a Perturbed BBM Equation by a Hybrid Approach, ICIC 2010-3rd International Conference on Information and Computing, Vol.1, 294-297, June 4- 6, 2010 Wuxi, Jiang Su, China (EI).
[8] Eerdunbuhe, Temuerchaolu: Variational Iteration Method for the Magneto -Hydrodynamic Nano-flow Over a Nonlinear Stretching Sheet Using He's Polynomials, Advanced Science Letters, 2012,10: 635-639
[9] Eerdunbuhe, Temuerchaolu: An exact solution of smooth initial value problems for WBKs by the renormgroup symmetry method, 黑龍江大學自然科學學報,2012,29(4):455-459.
[10] 額爾敦布和、特木爾朝魯:偏微分方程(組)守恒律的再擴充,內(nèi)蒙古大學學報,2008.39(5):481-487.
[11] Eerdunbuhe, Temuerchaolu: Numerical Simulation of the Travelling Wave Solutions for two Nonlinear Evolution Equations by Homotopy Perturbation Method,內(nèi)蒙古大學學報,2008.39(5):481-487.
[12] Eerdunbuhe, Bai Xiu, Eerdunqiqige. A variational-Adomian iteration method for solving the MHD flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet, 內(nèi)蒙古大學學報(自然科學版),2014, 45(3): 231-238.
[13] Eerdunbuhe, Temuerchaolu. A generalized (G'/G)--expansion method and its applications to the Whitham-Broer-Kaup-Like equations, 內(nèi)蒙古師范大學學報(自然科學版), 2012,41(2): 120 -131.
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[17] Wang Gangwei, A. H. Kara, Eerdunbuhe, K. Fakhar. Group Analysis and Conservation Laws of a Coupled System of Partial Differential Equations Describing the Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid, Romanian Journal of Physics, 2015, 60(7-8): 1-10.(SCI)
[18] 特木爾朝魯,額爾敦布和,夏鐵成. 具源項的波動方程的非古典對稱,數(shù)學年刊,2012,33A(2): 193-204.